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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum et odio. Aliquam non leo. Sed pede velit, blandit id, elementum nec, varius et, nulla. Quisque fermentum. Fusce sed purus et nulla laoreet tempor. Nullam nisi sapien, rutrum quis, condimentum in, porttitor id, metus. Quisque eget enim egestas tortor iaculis varius. Cras at est. Phasellus ut lacus. Nullam nulla.

Episode 070614 - Why Computers are Awesome

Tonight on GeekNights, Rym sucks and Scott bestows his technological genius upon the masses.

Episode 070614 - Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz

Tonight on GeekNights we discuss this really crappy game, Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz. In the news, Rym is stupid and Scott is awesome

Episode 070614 - Neon Genesis Evangelion

Tonight on GeekNights we talk about why every human being needs to watch every episode of the amazing anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion. In the news, Rym is stupid and Scott is awesome

Episode 070614 - NIMBYs and BANANAs

Tonight on GeekNights, Rym and Scott both harbor a fierce hatred for NIMBYs and BANANAs. In the news, your mom sucks and your dad gets sucked.

  • Rym's Thing - angry
  • Scott Thing - video game nerd